Welcome to Dovecote Primary School and Nursery. Thank you for sending children smartly dressed in their school uniform. Please look at MME and Facebook for the curriculum newsletters and the latest news.
Behaviour for Learning
Zones of Regulation
Ensuring positive behaviour for learning is a shared responsibility; all staff, parents/carers, pupils and governors. Our ultimate aim is to keep children happy, safe and learning!
Dovecote Primary School sets high expectations of behaviour for learning so that pupils are able to learn effectively. There are firm boundaries in place, which everyone is expected to adhere to. We recognise that some children may need more support to do this.
We aim to provide a happy, caring environment with challenging activities to ensure optimal learning. Everyone is entitled to enjoy coming to school. We believe that positive relationships are fundamental in this.
We encourage pupils to think about and understand the consequences of how they act and to develop tolerance, empathy and understanding towards others. We encourage them to respect themselves, others and property. This is scaffolded through Jigsaw, our PSHE scheme.
Our staff understand that individuals cannot be defined by their behaviour; that behaviour is an outcome of a variety of factors. Adults in school strive to understand the children for who they are and respect their individual needs. By encouraging and teaching children to self-regulate we will help them to learn how to respond appropriately in a variety of situations, for the rest of their lives. We use Zones of Regulation to help us to teach children how to manage their emotions. It is understood that learning will only take place when pupils feel regulated.
Children’s behaviour is influenced by wider social, emotional and cultural factors. Extreme behaviours are often the result of trauma, staff understand this. Pupils who have experienced trauma will receive the appropriate support through school and outside agencies if needed. How children feel and therefore behave will depend on how the class is organised, the planning of the daily routine, the quality of the learning experiences, the choices on offer and the quality of interaction between adults and children and children and their peers.
Partnership with parents and carers is vital in supporting children with self-regulation.
Strategies we use to support regulation:
• ZONES CHART - All classrooms and communal areas have a zones chart and pupils are encouraged to think about which zone they are in on a daily basis
• RECOGNISING EMOTIONS- Pupils are taught to recognise and verbalise a variety of emotions in themselves and others
• TEACHING SPECIFIC STRATEGIES – A variety of strategies are taught to aid self regulation
• PEER SUPPORT – Pupils are encouraged to support each other
• PREVENTION – Anticipation and removal of potential triggers for deregulation
• INTERACTION – Ensuring positive relationships are built
• PRAISE – For applying self regulation and therefore good learning outcomes
• PROVISION – Ensuring that individual needs are met and adaptations to teaching and learning implemented
• PROMOTING RESILIENCE – Use of assessment, focus on individuals, teaching specific strategies
• LEADING BY EXAMPLE - Positive role modelling by all adults in school
• ‘DO’ INSTEAD OF ‘DON’T’ – When stating expectations
• ASSEMBLIES – Themed whole school assemblies, targeting specific areas
• USE OF R2I (Roots to Inclusion) – To support individual pupils who find self regulation difficult
• INDIVIDUAL PLANS – For pupils with specific needs
• REWARDS – For positive learning outcomes including personal and social
• HIGH EXPECTATIONS and CONSISTENCY IN APPROACH – applying the same approach in all situations and challenging and supporting all pupils.
Rewards for Positive Learning Outcomes:
•INDIVIDUAL REWARDS FOR LEARNING eg stickers on work, notes, sticker charts
• CLASS REWARD: eg. jigsaw, marbles in jar etc. individual to class (aim for once every 4 weeks)
School Rules
We expect everyone in our school community to use these four rules:
Our agreed rules are clearly explained to the children and are included in information sent to parents.
The School Rules are:
• We will do as we are asked
• We will show respect for everyone
• We will move around school sensibly
• We will look after the environment

We believe ‘Children do well if they can’
Class Agreement/contracts
During the first week of each year, the pupils in each class are involved in creating a positive class agreement/ contract, to further support the School Rules. These are clearly displayed in each classroom.
What happens if a pupil becomes deregulated and therefore struggles to follow the school rules?
Pupils are encouraged to recognise the emotions that they are feeling and which zone they are in. They are encouraged and supported in applying strategies that they have been taught to self-regulate and therefore become ready to learn. When regulated, pupils reflect on the impact of their actions and are involved in deciding on what could be adapted to support them being regulated. Individual Provision Plans are applied consistently. Where a pupil is really struggling to self-regulate or is unable to engage in the process, a period a time out of class with a Senior member of staff may be necessary.
In-class behaviour system (agreed by the School Council):
See Behaviour Flowchart
There are times when serious cases of extreme behaviour may result in exclusion. This will only be used as a last resort if deregulation results in significant disruption to learning and/or danger to others.
If deregulated behaviour results in incidents of child on child abuse, these incidents are recorded on MyConcerns (victim and perpetrator) and this is monitored. Individual provision will be adapted accordingly when necessary.
Some pupils may have specific and more complex needs which result in deregulated behaviour, they may have a specific medical diagnosis and/or have experienced trauma. These pupils will have a Personalised Provision Plan, possibly an individual timetable, Risk Assessment and/or Handling Plan which will detail the support and strategies to be used with them. The individual plan is the responsibility of the class teacher and they will ensure that all adults working with that child are aware of this.
Outside agencies may become involved to support individual pupils:
• Autism Team
• Behaviour Support Team (BST)
• Mental Health Support Team (MHST)
• Intensive Support Team (IST)
• Educational Psychologist
• Targeted Family Support
Any racist or homophobic incident must be reported and recorded (to the Headteacher). The incident will be investigated and the perpetrator and victim spoken to. Parents of both will be informed of the incident. Governors will be informed about all Racist Incidents. This will also be recorded on MyConcerns.
BULLYING INCIDENTS – including HOMOPHOBIC and DISABILITY (See Bullying Statement)
All homophobic, disability abuse and cyber bullying incidents are classed as serious incidents and need to be reported to the Year group lead. These incidents are recorded on My Concerns. Parents/ carers are informed. These are deemed as child on child abuse.
All policy and procedures apply. In addition to the school rules there is ‘no negative physical contact’ rule.
All policy and procedures apply – dinner supervisors take serious behaviour incidents to a member of staff and send the pupil to Mole Hole.
Timeout in another class may be used at an appropriate time as a de-escalation strategy. It is not a punishment or sanction but may be an effective strategy to regulate.
Unacceptable Procedures/Strategies when pupils are deregulated and rules are broken
• Making it personal
• Asking a child why they are behaving in a certain way
• Shouting
• Criticism, sarcasm, comparison
• Labelling the child rather than the behaviour
• Discussing a pupil’s behaviour in front of them or other children
Any sanction or reward not stated in this policy or on a personal provision plan e.g. Asking pupils to sit outside the classroom, missing breaks to complete work
Consistency and understanding are paramount in ensuring positive learning behaviours
Parents will be informed of any issues/concerns around deregulated behaviour.