Welcome to Dovecote Primary School and Nursery. It has been a great start to the new year! Please look at MME and Facebook for the curriculum newsletters and latest news.
PSHE – Jigsaw
At Dovecote we aim to teach pupils to stay safe and healthy, and build self-esteem, resilience and empathy. We want our children to value diversity and respect differences between themselves and others. We want our children to choose to lead healthy life-styles and be equipped to make these decisions. We have chosen to follow the PSHE Jigsaw programme as it is well-planned, evidence based and age appropriate. We are teaching our children to be prepared for life in modern Britain and become valuable citizens in the world. High quality PSHE delivery can tackle barriers to learning, raise aspirations and improve the life chances of our most Vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils.
If you would like to see the Jigsaw curriculum, lessons and resources that we use please ask your class teacher to provide your unique log in code. This will expire each half term, as the units change.
Information on the 'Changing Me' unit can be found on these links. This unit contains lessons on how the body grows and changes, including puberty. There are also Sex Education lessons for children in Years 4, 5 and 6. As a school we have chosen to teach all Jigsaw lessons, including those classed as 'Sex Education'. You have the right to withdraw from these select few lessons. These are highlighted on the letter for families. We recommend that you read all of the information before making this decision.
Parent Voice Feedback 2024
Thank you to everyone who returned their Questionnaires. We are truly grateful for your contribution. Here is the feedback and some quotes from you. It was lovely to hear so many of you saying wonderful things about PSHE. Click on the button link for the full document.
Pupil Voice
We asked the children about their Jigsaw experiences, what they think Jigsaw is about and what they like about it.
"Its about race, feelings, kindness, respect, privacy."
"It’s about being different and what colour our skin and eyes are and it doesn’t matter."
"If someone talked about my hair it is my Protected Characteristic."
"I like the different activities, like the snakes and ladders feelings game."
"I like writing stories and coming up with solutions."
"It is fun. We play games like 'Would You Rather' and do lots of acting out"
"I like having the right to pass. I don't always have to say something if I don't feel comfortable."
"We do breathing and the chime is calm and peaceful."
"I know there are laws about how people should be treated"
"We made a book about all the different types of bullying. I know to tell a trusted adult if it happens."